Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Milla Jovovich Writes About Her Pregnancy

Milla Jovovich PregnancyActress and model Milla Jovovich is busy getting ready to give birth to her first child, a daughter with W.S. Anderson. The little girl is expected to arrive on Novenber 4th, although Milla believes there may be an early arrival. Jovovich documents her anticipation on her personal website and talks about the pregnancy, her weight gain, and the baby's nursery.

Some highlights from her most recent entry:

On the pregnancy:
"[I] just went to the doctor today and he said that it could be any day now! My due date is November 4th, but I think my daughter has other ideas! Up until 2 weeks ago she had been a breach baby since about August which is pretty rare as babies move around so much normally, doing somersaults until they get too big to change positions so drastically. Well, she decided that she really liked her spatial location and literally stayed that way for over 2 months! I can see that she is already a very determined little thing! And she knows what she wants! So to avoid a caesarian, i had to go to the hospital and have a "cephalic version" done, which is a fancy way of saying that the doctors manually turned her thru the external manipulation of my belly."

On the baby's arrival:
"My pregnancy has progressed so quickly that my doctor has advised me to stop my daily exercise routine and just take it easy for the rest of the time or she could come tomorrow if I'm not careful. Which wouldn't be so bad, as the last thing I need is her gaining weight in my belly. She's already a strapping 7.4 lbs. Completely full term, totally healthy and ready to be born at any time.

On her weight gain:
"I have noticed that my weight has been a hilarious subject with many people recently and my cravings as well! You will all be glad to know that I have evened out at an astronomically well proportioned 191."

On the nursery:
"Now its just about getting the nursery in order, but thats sort of been the least worrying thing on my mind to get finished because she will be with Paul and I in our room for a while still to come, so there is plenty of time to get her room ready. Besides the fact that come February or March I will be back on airplanes with her in tow and staying in hotels while I'm working on my next film"

Source: MillaJ.com

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