Monday, February 28, 2011

Kate Hudson's Son Wants a Mohawk

Kate-Hudson's-Son-Wants-a-MohawkWhenever we post a photo of Kate Hudson and her three-year-old son Ryder we inevitably get the "give the kid a haircut" comment. Apparently Hudson shares the urge to clip off his long hair, but Ryder has other ideas. The boy refuses to let her cut it unless he can get a mohawk.

She says, “He won’t let me cut it. I said, ‘We’re gonna have to cut your hair…’ and he goes, ‘Yeah mom… I wanna mohawk!’ I was like, ‘I can’t.’”

Hudson credits Ryder’s father, rocker Chris Robinson, for her son’s love of his long locks: “I think it’s a daddy thing - his daddy’s got long hair so he loves his long hair.”

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