Monday, February 28, 2011

John McGinley and Wife Nichole Expecting Baby!

johnmc-ginley-Nichole-babyScrubs star John C. McGinley and wife Nichole Kessler are expecting a baby next year.

"We're having a baby!" McGinley announced at the Scrubs Season 7 premiere party.

"I'll give you the inside scoop," he said. "We found out it's a baby girl, and she's coming February 2! So that's our big announcement. That's our big thing."

McGinley, who already has a 10-year-old son, Max, from a previous marriage.

"Nichole and I want to have an army," said the actor. "You know, we want to have as many kids as we're lucky enough to have. I've always wanted to surround Max with brothers and sisters and that's what we're going to do!"

Once the show wraps up at the end of this season, McGinley plans on focusing on his family. He says: "Everybody keeps asking what I'm going to do after Scrubs. I don't know what I'm doing ... I'm going to take care of my little girl – that's what I'm doing!"

Source: People

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