Thursday, September 9, 2010

Is Brad and Angelina's Globe-Trotting Bad for the Kids?

Angelina globe trotting bad for the kidsOK, I knew it would only be a matter of time once Maddox hit kindergarten age before we saw articles about the impact of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's never-ending world tour on the kids psyches.

The New York Post's Page Six has talked to Manhattan-based psychotherapist/social worker Puja Hall about how the couple's globe-trotting tendencies may be hurting their kids by "not creating a stable environment outside the family unit.”

In just the past two years, the family has lived in New Orleans, Paris, Namibia, Berlin Los Angeles, and New York. During the stop in New York, Maddox, 6, attended the Lycée Francais for just six weeks before packing his bags and returning to Los Angeles where where Jolie is shooting "The Changeling."

"Maddox is an adopted child, so he already has a sense of abandonment," Hall tells the paper. "Kids that constantly move are like army brats, in that very often they don't want to open up to people. They feel loss, and there is a problem with attachment."

Hall continued: "With the moves, the kids just don't invest in relationships, because they're going to lose them anyway. They think: 'Why bother? I'm not gonna stick around. We're gonna pick up and go, and the loss of friends is painful.' "

Hall advises the family to find a place to settle down before the children, ax, 3, Zahara, 2, and Shiloh, 16 months, begin to develop attachment issues. "At some point, they will have to make some important choices so the kids can form those bonds and keep them,” said Hall.

Source: Page Six

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