Thursday, March 17, 2011

House Star Hugh Laurie Battling Mild Depression

House star Hugh Laurie returned to work on Monday after taking a sudden trip home to his native England for undisclosed family issues.

Last week, Laurie, told House producers he had a family emergency and needed to return to England immediately. He boarded a plane on October 25 and flew to London, where his wife, Jo, and their three children, Charlie, Bill and Rebecca, live.

In a new interview in Sunday's Sydney Daily Telegraph, Laurie revealed that he is battling "mild depression” and is seeing a therapist periodically.

He went on to say that he misses his family while filming in Los Angeles and is "drained" by the show's overnight success.

"I'm always thinking about the show," he says. "I'm too neurotic and too anal and too convinced that we're going to fail to relax. Every show we do, every scene we shoot, is a disaster, I'm convinced of it.

"I go home at the end of the day and my head is full of all the mistakes I've made.

"I beat myself up about what I've stuffed up the day before,” he added. “I'm looking for things to go wrong. I'm not rejoicing or lying back and enjoying it."

Source: US Weekly

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